We are 32 weeks into writing the Book of Hope together and this week my mind is racing as I stare into the horizon of a life transition just around the bend. I am preparing to leave my current home out West in order to create a new one for my family in the heartland of this beautiful country, close to where I grew up. For me, it’s been a recipe of anticipation, uncertainty, excitement and doubt all combining into one overly salted stew.
Even though I dream of the crisp air of autumn only a few turns away, I also find myself asking God, are you sure this is for me? Am I ready for the challenges that lie ahead? Any chance I could get just a tiny preview around the corner?
For context, it’s important to note that the season I am coming out of was one of refinement by fire. A welding of character, causing the roots of my faith to find footing much deeper into the ground. It was a time that made it abundantly clear that only grace could bring me through not even smelling of smoke. Yet, I still struggle, instinctually wanting to prepare for what’s to come. Any other planners out there?
As I literally and metaphorically look to close the door on this recent experience, I am reminded of a quote I saw recently.
“God doesn’t pass us notes, he gives us friends.”
Bob Goff
As soon as my mind tries to creep into overwhelm, I am reminded of the people placed in my life. The smile from the image my cousin shared of her little one, the joy of a girlfriend filling me in on what’s happening in her world, the encouragement from a stranger online offering a prayer over my family whom she’s never met, the friend that bought me lunch and asked how I was doing, and an incredible offer from a ride-or-die-through-anything-kind-of-friend, offering to help me move. I could barely contain my excitement. Seriously, God bless anyone that has ever helped someone with a move.
The small offer reminds me not to do life alone. That we are meant to be in community. People doing life together, sharing, and finding commonality in our shared experiences.
To offer a smile, to share, to encourage, to check in on one another and sometimes, though it is never the top of anyone’s list, even offer to help a friend move. It’s the everyday acts of grace that form the vision of hope lived out as the hands and feet we are called to be.
“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul” Proverbs 27:9
As I refocus, I find myself filled with joy as my eyes return to the answers God brings to us. Through one another. Through friends. And for me, the beautiful people I am blessed to have in my community offering to help literally carry my belongings across the threshold of a new chapter. May we all be that kind of friend.
Week 32: Reach out to a friend
Is there someone in your life that needs a word of encouragement today? Someone you haven’t connected with recently but have been meaning to? Will you join me in reaching out to at least one person this week?
Writing the Book of Hope
We’ve been writing the Book of Hope together for 32 weeks now, but it’s never too late to join us. Here’s all you need to get started.