Faith Reflections to inspire your faith and encourage your heart. Recent Posts FaithR&V In the Word: Plants and Animals Bear WitnessBy Sarah WellsCreation Care, Faith, In The CommunityBlack Churches Success in Climate JusticeBy Sarah WellsFaithR&V In the Word: What Comes Your Way Is SmokeBy Sarah WellsFaithAt the Movies: Living with LeopardsBy Sarah WellsFaithR&V In the Word: The Land of Not EnoughBy Sarah WellsFaithAt the Movies: Inside Out 2By Sarah WellsFaithR&V In the Word: Let the Living Water FlowBy Sarah WellsFaithWhat If We’re the Early Christians?By Sarah WellsFaithR&V In the Word: Burst with God-NewsBy Sarah WellsFaithAs Beauty from Ashes, Blooms from Dead BranchesBy George ShunkFaithR&V Reflections: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van PeltBy Sarah WellsFaithR&V In the Word: Caps, Gowns, and the Armor of GodBy Sarah Wells Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 … Page 22 Next